Well, lets see, where to begin......We went to St Augustine this last weekend. Mel came over to watch the animals (5 dogs, 10 cats, 7 goats, a horse, a racoon in the woods) and to look after Dollys' mom. The woman is a saint. There is special place in hevan for someone that will take all that on for mere money. Anyway, we had a great time. Some serious alone time and time for strolling. We stayed right over the Bridge of Lions on the beach side of the intercoastal. It was walking distantce to downtown (the historical and shopping district natch!). We even, get this this, we even took a NAP on sat afternoon!! Holy crap, I haven't done that in so long I can't even remember when. We had a nice time, visted with some friends, went out to dinner (Captn Jacks seafood mmmmmmm! and a chinese/American buffet (urp)). We had a blast. It was well worth it. We needed some down time. We did decide that no mater what we need to do this again relatively soon.
A day off coming up!. Memorial Day off!! No matter how I bitch about working for the state it sure gives you some nice paid off time. Dollys' daughter and the grandkids willl be coming up. It will be great to see them. Oh shit, here comes work...later all....