OK so I know I haven't been blogging lately. Although there's plenty going on I just can't seem to be as motivated as I once was. It's OK, this is really for me. I alos noticed that almost no-one is reading. Well there's not much to read if you don't blog ne's pa? Anywho, I wanted to comment on this muslim stuff that's going around. I spent many years living (and growing up) in the middle east, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and parts east. My Dad worked for oil companies so we went where the work was. Not a bad life at that time (60's and 70's). Servants, extra-territorial protection etc. I grew to like many of the arabs that I met and became great friends with many of them. I knew then (even as a stupid youth) that they were different. They think a little differently and have a different set of morals values. That all being said I don't recognize what is going on there. These people are becoming dangerous. For years I supported the Palestinains right to self-determination and thought (still do) that they got a raw deal. I never supported their terrorism and was appaled at the Olympic hostage mess and all the hi-jackings in the 70's and 80's. But I still think that the Isreali's are high handed and do exactly what they accuse everyone else of having done to them. I recognize that they are there are not going away and we all have to live with that.
Lately I have been seeing statements from the middle east about the "war against the west", the "crusader actions in Iraq and Afghanistan". Now we have aluntic in Iran trying to build the "Sword of Allah" and making all kinds of weird remarks about the west, the jews and now this stuff about the cartoons. These perople are dangerous! We have tendency to dismiss them as luntics but these people are willing to blow themselves up to prove a point. It's been a long time since Christians "martyred" themselves. I'm begining to agree with my dear wife that these people need to be dealt with. We can wait until a suitcase nuke (Iranian made?) goes off in Denmark, or France or New Jersy or we can start to take these people seriously. Credit to George W., he has kept them fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan instead of Chicago and Chattanooga but for how long? The rhetoric from Osama and Co is that they are planning a strike in the US.
I am begininng to belive that we
are already at war with Islam, we just realize it (well, most of us). We tend to dismiss it as radicalism and lunacy but these people are serious. Burning the Danish embassy, occupying the EU offices in Gaza, Mr Lunatic in Iran saying that they have a right to do anything they want. Rhetoric about the "evil crusaders", suicide bombings in London, In Irag and now in Afghanistan.
These are people to be afraid of. Think of this way,
It is you that they want to kill. You that they want to convert to Islam. Don't give that "oh sure" stuff. Look through the comments of the leaders. One of their stated aims is to Islamisize the west. They are a real danger and if we don't get our priorities straight we'll all be at the mosque together.....or dead, your choice.