a chronicle of life, trials, tribulations and life in these hectic days......

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Wow, 2 posts in one day?!

Just trying out some stuff, look at the bottom of the page at the pictureviewer thingee, pretty cool, huh? Just doesn't have any place for captions...............those are on flickr........


Your Deadly Sins
Sloth: 60%
Wrath: 40%
Envy: 20%
Gluttony: 20%
Greed: 20%
Lust: 20%
Pride: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 26%
You will get bugs, because you're too lazy to shoo them off. And then you'll die.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Roof, Kennel and Backyard

We are going through another spurt of growth here.

We are finishing the kennel. Those of you that have kept up(?!) know that we had only the east side and back of the kennel finished. We had to turn away biz for the 4th weekend so we decided to go ahead and finish it out. Awesome! We now have 34 runs (plus cages etc) so are now the biggest kennel in Alachua county!. We also decided to finish out the floors in the runs. We had originally put linoleum in the common area in the back but have since decided to run it into the runs so the dogs have NO bare concrete to deal with. It really makes it look neat and clean. The shade covers arrived for the outdoor portions so once the awning guy comes and finishes our entranceway we will be done!! At least until we build another..or...We went and looked at another kennel that may be for sale shortly. There are only 4 in the county and if we were to buy this one we would have 1/2 of the kennel space in the area! Anyway, I digress, it was such a dump that I'm surprised that they do as well as they do. Well, one reason is that the kennels themselves are in the back of the property and the owner will not allow vistors to that part. No wonder, it looks like Cambodia during the genocide. It would take a LOT of work to get it up to standards. Well, we'll see.....

We're having a roof put on the house. We were discussing what still needs to be done at the house and we are always taking about the roof and the backyard. For having 11 acres we do not use the backyard. It's the dogs domain and not really people friendly. We had a hardscape archietect out to give us some ideas and he came up with a great plan. We signed the contract on Sat and he will start soon as the roof is done. We're also having the leaky roof fixed. Since we never, ever want to have to deal with the roof again we decided to go with a metal roof. It will be sooo nice not to see the hodge-podge mismatched roof again. I will definately post before and after pic of both projects. Gotta run, work calls.............

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Its August already!!

Lets' see. A tropical something headed this way (maybe). It's hot and we have gotten almost no rain. Other news................

OK. one by one. Chris is sort of headed this way. Its on the track to hit us but it's way too early to panic, or is it? I'll check the generator and make sure we're set. I remember 8 days of no power (actually it was only 4 until I found the gennie) but it sucked nonetheless. All the food in two freezers melting. We ate bbq, the dogs had bbq, steaks, bratwursts, pork, chicken you name it. I was never so sick of bbq in my life. Water pouring out of the afore mentioned freezers on my wood floors, showering by dipping from the pool, sudsing and rinseing. Oh, I did forget to mention that the well quit working in the midst of all this? Don't forget we live in the country and the only service we get is power and phone. The rest is on us. Septic, Direct TV, dial-up internet, you have heard that from me before, check earlier....Anyway, It pays to be ready.

It's been hot, maybe not as hot as some of you, 100 degrees in NY this week! Man oh man, not the place to be. I remember summers in Queens at my grandmothers and the heat and humidity, and it was only in the high 80's and low 90's. I can feel the sweat just thinking about it.

We have been full at the kennel, I mean flat out busy since the middleof June. We have started putting in the runs on the other side. That will give us a total of 34 runs, 10 stainless cages (for the teeny dogs) and the cat room. We'll be the biggest kennel in Alachua county when we're done. We're actually thinking about building another one (or buying, don't want to say too much..) on the other side of town. We are putting on another employee, a part timer, high school kid, but still....I can't believe how well we're doing. We have decided that I will stay here at my sucky day job for a while yet. We'll review how things are every 3 months and re-asses. I don't want to cut off my nose to spite my face. Other than that it's been business as usual, run run run!!! ta!