a chronicle of life, trials, tribulations and life in these hectic days......

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ha, Finally!

Well, yesterday was the first day that we actually had both the roofers AND the landscapers working! Who-ho! Conversation between the roofers and my wife

2 pm Wife "You aren't leaving now are you?"
Logan (roofer) "naw, just have to go and pick up some material that they delivered to the wrong job site."
Wife "OK then, see you later"
end of story, end of Logan, of course he didn't come back!

645am this morning 'doorbell rings, dogs go nuts, cats run helter skelter'
landscaper "could you bring the dogs in we're here to work"

Now which would you have the most faith in? Hmmm??

I PROMISE TO POST SOME PICS SOON (sure the general public says, and the goverments here to help us....................)

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