a chronicle of life, trials, tribulations and life in these hectic days......

Monday, May 30, 2005

Dollys hobby! Fostering baby racoons!

See, he has to check out all packages for food? or mice? or things cats are interested in....

Us 2 years ago on a cruise (we loooove cruises) From Left Rosemarie (Dollys best friend for a looong time) me, Dolly, Ernie (Roes' hubby) and Dollys ma in the front. Since her moms illness this type of vacation is unfortunatly no possible.

Last Memorial Day, Andrew and Tim shooting. We had a blast, no pun intended!!

Memorial Day

Well, it dawns, Memorial Day. Being a student of history and a wargamer I think that this day gets overlooked by most people other than as a "day off of work, with pay". I think of all the people that have died over the years for the causes they believe in. You think about the sacrifices of men such as the Greeks that held the Persians back at Thermopoleye, the men that died during the charge of the Light Brigade in Gallipolli in WWI, all the wounded and maimed soldiers that gave everything for what they believed in. Our thoughts and our prayers for all soldiers, everywhere. God bless them all and keep them from harm.

A nice visit from Maria and the gks' (grandkids). Barbequed (of course) Maria helped by washing and waxing some of the new floors in the kennel. I finished the tile in the bathroom. Looks good if I don't mind saying myself. The kids, Dominic (4) and Rachel (2) are little darlins' and its nice to have the sound of little feet POUNDING through the house, animals running for cover and general pandemonium. Also managed to get over to Andrews' and get a little gaming in. A new game based on a system we have seen before on the First WW. Very good. Well, I hear the sound of little feet so I guess I'd better go......

Saturday, May 28, 2005

A three day weekend

So the weekend begins! First I need to fix the chicken coop, goats pen and the horses stall. They are sooo destructive. Oh well, it keeps me out of trouble (for a while at least!). Maria and the kids should be here around 1 or so. I'll be working in the kennel around that time. I need to finish the tile on the bathroom floor and them start a materials list for the rest of the work that needs to be done around there. The tile for the floor of the lobby, the counter, the screening for the top of the runs. You would be amazed at how many dogs will climb a chian link fence! I sure don't need someone getting out when I'm watching them. I also need to order the kitchen cabinets and get the kitchen lined up. SO much to do. Why can't I just the lottery and get it overwith!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

been a while

Well, lets see, where to begin......We went to St Augustine this last weekend. Mel came over to watch the animals (5 dogs, 10 cats, 7 goats, a horse, a racoon in the woods) and to look after Dollys' mom. The woman is a saint. There is special place in hevan for someone that will take all that on for mere money. Anyway, we had a great time. Some serious alone time and time for strolling. We stayed right over the Bridge of Lions on the beach side of the intercoastal. It was walking distantce to downtown (the historical and shopping district natch!). We even, get this this, we even took a NAP on sat afternoon!! Holy crap, I haven't done that in so long I can't even remember when. We had a nice time, visted with some friends, went out to dinner (Captn Jacks seafood mmmmmmm! and a chinese/American buffet (urp)). We had a blast. It was well worth it. We needed some down time. We did decide that no mater what we need to do this again relatively soon.

A day off coming up!. Memorial Day off!! No matter how I bitch about working for the state it sure gives you some nice paid off time. Dollys' daughter and the grandkids willl be coming up. It will be great to see them. Oh shit, here comes work...later all....

Monday, May 16, 2005


Well, here we are again at the House of Morons. For the uniniated, its' work. Working for the state is like, like....like, I don't know. It's sort of like Thanksgiving without turkey. You're there but it is not satisfying. If they were a private company we would be out of business years ago. Oh well, it still pays the bills....

I did post some assorted stuff. Andrew trying to burn dinner, a couple of 'coon pics and the kennel runs. Looks good!

One od the baby racoons that Dolly is raising

We now have runs at the kennel as you can see

Me brother attempting to burn the Mas' day din!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Added a counter, lets' see if anyone looks/cares

Monday, May 09, 2005


Well that Hello program from Picasa seems to work. I can't figure out how to get more than one pic at a time to post but it's a beginning! I have loads of pics to post, kennel, aminals stuff. It'll be great.

So It's about time I tell folks about this blog. It makes me a little nervous. I did mention the idea of blogging to Dolly and she seemed a little lukewarm about it. She's a much more private person than I and I'm not sure what her reaction would be. I don't know how receptive she would be to the idea of putting our lives (part of it at least) on the net like this. I have a coupla of old friends that I will give the link to and see what their reaction is. I haven't seen these folks for 25+ years so it oughta be interesting. Well, we'll give it a shot.

Renee, Toni, you are the ones. Let me know what you think.

Kennel from the back

Here is our kennel from the front, No fencing yet but coming soon

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Babatte, this is just test post, I wanted to see if it works as it's supposed to....

Friday, May 06, 2005

rain rain rain

It has been raining here for the last 2 days, torrential downpours. Everything is flooded, especailly the back yard. Dogs and puppies are splashing from puddle to puddle. They're having a blast! On a more positive note,. We took Xena to the vet school to have the bump on her head looked at and it was nothing. Whew! I DID NOT want to go through the pet dying by inches again. Thank God. She's healthy.

They have been working on mulching the road we need for the kennel. It actually doesn't look too bad. Better than I had hoped actually.

I have decided that I will download Picasa 2 so I can post some pics on this also. I like blogs with pics, so I figure more pics will make this a little more interesting. More soon....