a chronicle of life, trials, tribulations and life in these hectic days......

Thursday, July 28, 2005

another update

Well, lets see, where to begin...Carolyn and the girls are here for the week. It's so nice to see Dolly and her daughters getting along. Life is really too short to be pissed off. Went to Wild Waters with Maria, Carolyn and the four kids (Dolly and me of course), had a blast. Even at my advanced age I enjoy the water slides and all the kid stuff. It's more enjoyable with the kids though, their enthusiasm is infectious!! Too bad that they need to leave on Saturday. However they will be back in October! Whoo-hoo!

The kennel is doin' great considering that we haven't really advertised. Thats exciting. I CANT WAIT until I can quit my day job........

There were some kids over by the kennel last night, claimed to have run out of gas but were doing a lot of hollering so I ended up calling the cops to come check it out. By the time they got there, it didn't take too long tho, they were gone. At this point Dolly was apparently hollering at me to find out who it was, couldn't find her gun, couldn't rack the shotgun and ended up pissed at me! Go figure. Sometimes I just cant figure people out. I mean, sorry I didn't hear you, I was talking to the cop, his motor was running and you were a loong way away. I'm a little deaf (too much rock'n'Roll? in my youth?) Anyway, I'm doin' the man of the house thing and I get the cold shoulder. I give up, I'm sure it will pass but what the F***? I'm sure some of you ladies are thinking "men!" well I'm sorry but I can't figure things out like this with no information. Jeez...

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

More pics

Uploaded some more pics of the kennel. It's really comin' along. We have Carolyn and the grandkids here for a couple of weeks. It oughta be a fun time. More later.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Update (finally)

Well, I certainly have been the big slacker about updating this. I can see why folks will stop. It reaches the point where it's like, what do I say now???? Anyway, I had a good week, it was nice to have Tim come and visit and he and I and Andrew played much, drank much and otherwise partied our faces off. I still managed to get a bunch of work done around the kennel and the house. I was most proud of the new racoon habitat I built for the (now 7) coons we are raising. Or I was was until I realized that three of the little varmints found a way out. So now we have 3 young racoons hiding in the trees in the front yard. I will go to FWC and get some capture cages and set them on top of the habitat and try to capture them. They came down to eat the food we left out for them but they are *not* going to allow us to hand-catch them. These three are the unfriendly ones. 2 we had for a while and one was just given to us 2 days ago. This ALWAYS happens when we build new cages for them. The little devils are really sneaky and if there is a way they will get out.

I also am wrestling with my mother-in-laws toilet. I replaced the malfuntioning innards and now the tank leaks.....I hate plumbing. I will give it one more shot to fix and then I will throw my hands up in frustration and give up. Really adult wounldn't you say. Sorry but I don't mind working around the house and getting things done but I find it really dissappointing when things blow up in my face.

The kennel is doing pretty well off just the 3 day ad in the paper and referrals from our vet. We should have our signs up by the end of the week and hopefully that will increase biz some. I sort of like the slow start. It's very hard on Dolly to manage both the house (with her mom) and the kennel and all the other shit that needs doing around the homestead. Poor woman is exhusted half the time. It's even more frustrating that I have waste time here at the House of Dumb each day. I still have the following things yet to do (current list)

Salt in the water softener
Get the cages to (hopefully) catch our escapees
Install the water softener at the kennel
Build the counter at the kennel
Top the runs (some dogs climb!) (new ones, in and out)
Order the sunshade for the new runs
Fix the horses stall (he's busy knocking it down)
Worm the goats
Move the blasted riding mower out so Sears can come and fix it (yet again)
Continue to work with Peachtree software (biz software for the kennel)
Move one of the computers over to the kennel
Clean the porch (our previous racoon storage area)
Mow the lawn when Sears comes and fixes the riding mower hopefully Wed( mow you say? what's the deal, it's about 6 acres and now about a foot tall, I'll take a flare gun and some provisions with me in case I get lost)
Fix the *&^%%$*&;*&^%% toilet

Not to mention things like catboxes, dinner, bills blah blah blah etc

And you wonder why I sound so down sometimes? Thank God there are two of us!!

See you later...........

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


It's wednesday, half-way through my vacation. It's supposed to be 95 degrees. The weather channels web site just shows an orange box and the word hot. So, we'll escape to the movies, I have wanted to see War of the Worlds since I saw it was coming out. I just love that apocalyptic end-of-the-world kind of stuff. I like this story since I first read it as a kid. We've sort of been working at the kennel and other chores during the day and playing at night. It's been nice...

The kennel is doing as well as I could expect for a new business. Dolly groomed her first dog on Monday (a boarder) and so it goes, Slowly but surely we are getting the business. It is really exciting to watch it happen. I can see that we will be getting busier as time goes along. I mean we only had the one ad for the 3 days and no follow up advertising. We should really see the inpact when the new phone book comes out and we are in the listings. I guess we'll need to fork over the cash to yellow pages.......They are effective.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

The 4th

Ah, the second day of my NINE days of vacation! That includes the weekends of course but I still like to count 'em. Tim made it up and we stayed up much later than planned catching up. Missed church this morning but Dolly was tired (bed near 1) and so was I and we don't need crankiness this weekend. We'll try for Wed night. Ma, Francis and Andrew and Melissa will be over for BBQ (hamburgers and brats, mmmmmm) this afternoon. 4 tenants in the kennel, oh I forgot the rabbit...We'll board anybody! It's getting late, this house is a pigsty and we got company coming. I guess I'd better get the rest of them up and begin the festivities!! Happy 4th all!!