a chronicle of life, trials, tribulations and life in these hectic days......

Sunday, July 03, 2005

The 4th

Ah, the second day of my NINE days of vacation! That includes the weekends of course but I still like to count 'em. Tim made it up and we stayed up much later than planned catching up. Missed church this morning but Dolly was tired (bed near 1) and so was I and we don't need crankiness this weekend. We'll try for Wed night. Ma, Francis and Andrew and Melissa will be over for BBQ (hamburgers and brats, mmmmmm) this afternoon. 4 tenants in the kennel, oh I forgot the rabbit...We'll board anybody! It's getting late, this house is a pigsty and we got company coming. I guess I'd better get the rest of them up and begin the festivities!! Happy 4th all!!

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