a chronicle of life, trials, tribulations and life in these hectic days......

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Fur trade

Check this video that Stacey pointed me to. It's really disgusting that people (any people) can act this way toward animals. Stuff in Korea is equally as bad. I try to avoid all Korean and Chinese products for this reason. If I see those "cute" little furry trinkets in stores I will complain to the manger about them and threaten (DO!) stop shopping there. I will not be a party to this kind of tourture. There is enough horror and terror for animals as well as people just in nature, I see no reason for this to continue.

Although I find that PETA is a little over the top in some respects I support them for the animals sake. God Bless our little friends and for the tourtured amoung them may they find peace over the Rainbow Bridge. May those that steal animals for this and other practices rot in a special hell.

I lok forward to the day that meat for human consumption is grown in cloning vats so no animals are ever killed for consumption. Although I do eat meat (I tried the veggie path, I just couldn't do it!) I try to ensure that the meat I do eat is from "humane" sources. I wonder if there is really such a thing. I support most strongly any measure to ensure the mitigating of the
terror that many of these animals must feel. I must say that I feel a bit like a hypocrite writing this. I can't help it, I want to do more. I write a lot of letters and give money to those I can.

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