a chronicle of life, trials, tribulations and life in these hectic days......

Monday, June 20, 2005

I am sore......

Well, finally (well very nearly) finished the &^%$$%^&* floor in the lobby. 700 hundred square feet of tile with, of all things, BLACK GROUT. I know why they get $1.50 to $3.00 a square foot for tiling. It took me 4 days too get that done. I can assure you I won't be doing that again soon. I'm a bit long in the tooth to be on my hands and knees for 4 days (no jokes OK?). Anyway I must admit it looks magnificent and was ultimately worth the effort. I just wanted to bitch about how sore I am. Makes me feel better.

Dolly has spoken to the newspaper and the ad for the kennel will be in this weeks (thurs, sat and sun) Gainesville Sun. I am psyched! It will go out to over 150,000 readers. I hope we know what we're doing.... Talked with the sign people and we should be moving ahead with that. Too bad I have to come to the House of Dumb for the day and waste my time. Well, at least I'm getting paid.

Our first guest. Black Lab named Mykola (?????) seems to be enjoying her visit. Since she is the only pooch she gets lots of personal attention and walks and so forth. While I was doing the floor she had the run of the kennel and amused herself with stepping in the cement if I didn't throw her squeaky toy for her.

I do have the July 4th week off. I have an old friend coming for a visit and will attempt tp dragoon him into helping me some with the kennel. It appears that my week off will be split between working at the kennel. Kennel tops, counter tops, transitions, etc etc and partying in th evening. It should be a busy weekend.

I know I keep promising pictures.......some day soon.......

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